Physical Therapy in Durham

Whether you have nagging aches and pains, acute injuries or simply want to move better and prevent future issues we’ve got you covered.

Get out of pain and start living your best, active life.

Does this sound like you…

Pain is slowing you down from reaching your goals.

You’ve been stretching and stretching with no real relief.

You’re tired of being in pain throughout your daily activities.

You’ve seen other professionals without lasting results.

You’re motivated to get better but have no idea what to do.

If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place.

Our Approach

1) Relieve your pain
We do this by finding the structures that are irritated and perform any necessary hands on work to decrease those symptoms fast! This may include dry needling, soft tissue mobilization or hands on stretching

2) Identify and Address the Root Cause
By performing a comprehensive movement evaluation we can identify exactly where your pain is coming from. Your doctor of physical therapy will provide you with education and a custom a home program to address the root cause.

3) Give you the tools you need to stay pain free long term
Relieving your pain is no good if it comes right back. We educate and empower you to take ownership of your health so you stay pain free and can enjoy the activities you love.

Conditions We Treat Include but Are Not Limited to:

Low Back Pain
Post-op Tendon & Joint Repairs
Rotator Cuff Sprains / Strains
Knee Pain
Joint Pain
Hip Impingement
Achilles Tendonitis
Plantar Fasciitis
Meniscus Tears
Disc Issues
Neck Pain
Hamstring Strains

What Does a Session Look Like?

Your first session will start with a comprehensive evaluation that includes a thorough medical and injury history. Next, your Doctor of Physical Therapy will take you through a movement exam which includes strength testing and a joint specific mobility assessment. Treatment may be started on the first day. You will then be thoroughly educated on exactly what is causing & contributing to your issues and your PT will lay our your individualized plan of care.

Follow up sessions are patient specific but may include hands on work to help relieve pain and restore better movement. This includes treatments such as dry needling, cupping, soft tissue mobilization, active release or myofascial work. You will also be taken through specific exercises to retrain your movement patterns and build strength.

What You Can Expect From Functional Phyzio