Dry Needling in Durham

Dry Needling in Durham, NC

Get out of pain and start living your best, active life.

Dry needling is one technique our clinic utilizes to help our patients feel better, move better and get back to living a healthy, active lifestyle.

Dry Needling for pain relief

Dry needling is a technique that utilizes a filament like needle that is inserted into a muscular trigger point. A trigger point is a specific point in a muscle where it’s stuck in a contraction. Trigger points can cause pain, dysfunction & weakness in a muscle. When a needle is inserted into a trigger point it stimulates the muscle to “let go” of the trigger point and therefore decreasing pain and improving muscular function.

Dry needling can be utilized for a variety of conditions including:

Muscular pain & tightness 

Rotator Cuff Issues 

Low Back Pain 

Knee & Hip Pain 

Pelvic Pain 

Plantar Fasciitis 

Achilles Tendonitis 

Hamstring Strains 


Neck Pain 

Scar Tissue Build Up

Common questions about dry needling

Is it the same as acupuncture? The needles used are similar to those of acupuncture, however dry needling is focused on treating muscular trigger points while acupuncture utilizes specific meridians, or energy lines, to guide treatment.

Does it hurt? Each person experiences dry needling in a different way. Some people report discomfort during the treatment but experience a significant amount of pain relief following treatment. At Functional Phyzio we utilize a variety of dry needling techniques that can help decrease any discomfort experienced during the treatment.

Will I be sore? Soreness post treatment is very common and typically lasts 24-48 hours. Light movement is a great way to mitigate post treatment soreness.

Will this get rid of my pain? Many people experience immediate relief following dry needling, however it is important to also identify the root cause of this pain.

Do you utilize electrical stimulation with needling? At Functional Phyzio we can and do utilize electrical stimulation (or E-stim) in conjunction with dry needling. This can help stimulate blood flow & reduce soreness to the muscle being treated.

Contact us to get started today!

What You Can Expect From Functional Phyzio