Pregnancy & Postpartum Physical Therapy in Durham

We’re here to help you navigate this exciting time while staying healthy, active and safe.

Prepare Your Body & Pelvic Floor for Birth

Be Prepared.

We’ve found that many individuals feel confused navigating this period in their life and don’t feel they receive adequate education and information regarding exercise, birth prep and postpartum recovery.

“How much can I lift during pregnancy?”
“How long does postpartum recovery take?”
”What can I do to prepare for birth?”

These are common questions and we’re here to answer these and more! A pelvic floor PT can help you learn how to exercise safely during pregnancy & postpartum, prepare for birth, educate on your pelvic floor and treat any aches and pains that may arise.

Prenatal Physical Therapy

Physical therapists are an essential part of a pregnant individual's healthcare team to allow for a safe and healthy pregnancy, support for labor and delivery, and promote the health of the pelvic floor and abdomen in the postpartum time period.

Benefits of prenatal physical therapy include:

Relief of pain and discomfort

Education on proper mechanics for everyday activities to decrease the risk of injury (lifting, caring for older siblings, housework etc).

Help in navigating bodily changes during pregnancy and prevent birth injury.

Knowledge on safe and effective exercises/mobility work to perform while pregnant.

Labor and Delivery prep for positioning, proper pushing techniques, & relaxation.

Postpartum Physical Therapy

We firmly believe every individual who has had a baby should see a pelvic health physical therapist to ensure core and pelvic floor restoration! Studies show that early therapy intervention can help decrease the likelihood of long term issues following birth. Whether you have recently had a baby, or have in the past, it is never too late to address some of the problems that arise after having a baby.

Postpartum Care Includes: 

Full pelvic floor evaluation checking for integrity, strength, and tension.

Education On Care
Education on care for perineal tears, cesarean scars, and birth-related injuries

Postural Education
Postural education for baby care and feeding (breast or bottle) to avoid pain

Restoration Exercises
Pelvic floor and abdominal restoration exercises

Return to Exercise
Postpartum return to exercise guidance

Common Pregnancy & Postpartum Issues We Treat Include:

Pelvic Girdle Pain
Birth Prep
Cesarean Scar Mobilization
Perineal Tears & Scars
Return to Exercise
Diastasis Recti
Pain with Intimacy
Low Back Pain
SI Joint Dysfunction

What You Can Expect From Functional Phyzio